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The Lynn Sheinkin Department for Education & Social Change

Teen Dating Violence and Abuse Prevention Programs

The Lynn Sheinkin Department for Education & Social Change is comprised of two key programs: the Teen Dating Violence Prevention Program (TDVPP) and Student Activists Ending Dating Abuse (SAEDA).

Community educators from Center for Safety & Change present three-day TDVPP workshops at every public high school in Rockland County. The purpose of these essential workshops is to educate students on dating violence, sexual assault, and the gender stereotypes that often contribute to violence.

At the SAEDA training, students experience four days of student-led workshops focusing on how to become an activist and educate their schools and communities on dating violence and sexual assault. Topics discussed include the root causes of violence, which include racism, sexism, heterosexism and other forms of oppression. This extraordinary program is funded in part by a prestigious Centers for Disease Control grant and may soon be replicated throughout the country.

Contact us to learn more about our teen dating violence and abuse prevention programs.

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